Do you know what it’s like to have a best friend? In Smells Like Dog, you will meet an interesting twelve- year- old boy who doesn’t exactly have that privilege. At least until an unexpected event takes place.

The morning started just like any other. Homer Winslow Pudding woke up on his family’s goat farm in Milkydale and finished his chores. He ate breakfast. And he thought about his most favorite thing in the whole entire world: treasure hunting. Just like his famous Uncle Drake Pudding, Homer wanted to be an amazing treasure hunter, working along Drake to find lost jewels and maps. Most of all, Homer wanted to get out of the goat farm and live a different life than his father wanted for him. It was difficult having different interests than your school mates, as Homer quickly found out. Although often taunted and teased, he developed a shell around him to ignore the insults and focus on his dreams.

Homer was sitting in his favorite easy chair reading a treasure map when the news came; wonderful Uncle Drake had died in an unfortunate encounter with an oversized tortoise. Although Homer is saddened by the news, he is grateful that his uncle left him his ‘most treasured possession’, a droopy dog with a strange coin on his color. Although you can not find out by looking at him, Dog has a very special gift that Homer discovers almost immediately.

In a matter of days, Homer and his older sister Gwendolyn have ran away from home to attend a special ‘V.I.P’ party in The City. While Gwendolyn’s mission is to meet Madame le Directeur, the director of the Museum of Natural History, Homer is hoping to find answers to all of his treasure hunting questions. While in the city, Homer meets a very nice girl with pink hair, an abnormally tall woman with many secrets, two bickering lawyers, and a friendly inventor genie. While Homer misses familiar Milkydale, he finds the adventures he’s been dreaming of in the city. While Gwendolyn thinks her brother is researching at the library, he really is finding the answers to secrets his uncle left. With the help of his newfound friends, Homer discovers something that no one else could find: a very rare map that contained the whereabouts of a famous treasure.

I enjoyed reading ‘Smells Like Dog’ because it had just the right amount of detail to keep me occupied, while telling an interesting story with a captivating plot line. ‘Smells Like Dog’ by Suzanne Selfors is a novel that must be added to your book shelf.

  • Posted by Maddie

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