Tris & Izzie, a love story by the bestselling author Mette Ivie Harrison, is about a girl named Izzie who accidentally falls in love with this guy named Tris, a new student at school.  Izzie  has a boyfriend but her best friend doesn’t and Izzie worries that her friend feels like a third wheel sometimes.  So Izzie gets it in her head that she should fix her friend up with Tris.   Her plan to get Tris and her best friend to fall in love is by making a love potion.  But, as you can imagine, the plan backfires and Izzie falls in love with Tris, the one boy that she didn’t want to be in love with in the first  place.

I like that this book is an unlikely love story: a girl finds her true love that she didn’t even want in the first place. I also like that Izzie was a good person who will help her best friend find a boyfriend so she wouldn’t be uncomfortable. It is also nice to see how people can change and how sometimes things are not always what it seem.  If you enjoy love stories and romantic adventures, I think you will like this book.  I think Tris & Izzie is a good book because it teaches people a life lesson and gives readers a different point of a view.

  • Posted by Cherell

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