Special Topics in Calamity Physics

Special Topics in Calamity Physics

In Special Topics in Calamity Physics, author Marisha Pessl spins an intriguing tale filled with mystery, teenage angst and dark humor. With a unique style of writing, narration peppered with references, similar to a research paper, Pessl’s novel takes on the unique world of Blue van Meer, an eccentric, introspective teenager whose life is interrupted by the death of a woman named Hannah Schneider. As the book unfolds, Blue jumps back in time and narrates the past year, which is filled with an array of interesting characters and mysterious circumstances that lead to a surprise twist at the end.

Pessl’s novel is captivating, and while the style takes a little getting used to, as you read, the references to literature and pop culture combined with the narration weaves together a multifaceted and thoroughly entertaining story. Special Topics in Calamity Physics has an inimitable style that creates a complex but bewitching tale.

Posted by Erin

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