The Girl Who Was Supposed To Die

She doesn’t know her name. She doesn’t know where she is. All she knows is that her fingernails have been removed, she has been physically attacked, and she’s a prisoner to two men. Before she can open her eyes, she hears the men discussing how they are going to “finish her off because she knows too much”.

This action packed novel follows a girl who is unaware of her entire life. She has lost all her memories and is on the run from a group of men who want to kill her. Even going to the cops has gotten her in trouble. She has been told she is a patient at a mental health hospital, but can she trust the strange informant? Where are her parents and who can she trust? Luckily, she escapes the group of men twice and meets Ty, a teenager who works at McDonald’s and was recently homeless.

With their new friendship, Ty begins to help her stay safe and find out why she cannot remember her past. When she discovers the truth about her family and the disastrous trauma, her life has forever changed.

I recommend April Henry‘s The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die to young adults who like action mysteries. Once you start this book, it will be impossible to put down. April Henry has amazed her readers again and I would highly refer this book to others.

  • Posted by Jacquie

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