Right Behind You, by Gail Giles, tells the story of Kip, who when he was nine years old, he set his seven-year-old neighbor on fire because he was jealous of the baseball glove the boy received for his birthday. Three days later the boy died and Kip was committed to a facility for criminally insane juveniles, where he spends the next four years in rehabilitation. At the age of 14, Kip is released and moves with his father and stepmother to a new town, with a new name, to begin a new life. But the past is not so far behind and Kip, now knownRead More →

We have survived our move! Only a few hitches and headaches – overall a better experience than we’d hoped.  We’ve had folks in to shop already and the comments have ranged from “Wow! It’s so big!” to “I could get lost in here”.  We were able to expand all of the sections and are in the process of ordering more books to fill all this new space.  We were very fortunate to have a great group of people able to help us with this whole process. Hope you enjoy the pictures and that you’ll come visit us in person soon. Posted by CoriRead More →

Thanks to everyone who checked in with us over the last few weeks – we survived the move although we temporarily lost connection to our Blog.  We got the server situation figured out and now I can update you on the move status.  We’re 95% unpacked and the place looks fantastic! We’re all so excited about the SPACE and the growth potential! We’ve had customers come in to look around and shop and everyone’s been blown away by the new place.  We couldn’t be happier!  I’ll get some photos up soon.  Hope that you will be able to come by and check out our newRead More →

Lots of progress has been made in the last few days – the carpet was installed on 1/4 and we moved our front room and offices on Saturday, 1/5.  Our hard-working crew moved the last of the shelving units from our old space on Saturday and on Monday we started the fun process of unpacking.  A few sections are almost all unpacked as of today – Early Chapter, Picture Books, and Leveled Readers – and they look fantastic! Tomorrow we should get many of the pallets moved into the open spaces so we can have access to unpack Chapter Books and Non-fiction. It’s amazing howRead More →

The crew knocked themselves out in the days leading up to the New Year’s holiday.  The main room in our old space was cleared out, with all the shelving, books and overstock moved into the new warehouse and many of the cases were stocked with boxes.  Everyone enjoyed a few days off to rest and recover (and welcome in 2008!) and we’re at it again today building pallets of books from our non-fiction/hardback fiction room to move as soon as the space is ready for us.  Tomorrow will including moving the offices and the front room.  It’s been a busy week again and there’s stillRead More →

Today was a busy day – our crew moved pallet after pallet of books over to our new space, and by just after lunch we started moving the first shelves. By the end of the day, the entire west wall of the new space had picture book shelves in place with boxes on the shelves. It’s an impressive run and will look great once all the books are unpacked. Painting also occured in the offices today, and tomorrow the new carpet is scheduled to be installed. By the end of the day Saturday we plan to have our main room cleared of shelves and atRead More →

At long last, we’ve started the moving process! Our current space, where we’ve been for the last 4 years, has been too small for some time. We found a bigger space (almost double!) next door and have secured a 5 year lease.  We started boxing a few weeks ago, but had to wait until school was out to really get everything boxed up.  This weekend has been hectic with a crew of great guys working hard to box up all our books (400,000 is a big amount of books!) and get the first pallets built. Next week we start moving shelving units and pallets intoRead More →

Revolution is Not a Dinner Party by Ying Chang Compestine is the sleeper hit of my library this semester. It sat on my new releases shelf for a while, unchecked by students. One afternoon, as I prepared for a booktalk, I stared at the book, wondering what had made it stand out to me when I made my purchasing order. Imagine a world where George Bush put his face on posters all over the country, required everyone to have a picture in their home, and stopped work halfway through the day to listen to his teachings. Thankfully we have a president and not a ChairmanRead More →

Phoenix Book Company was excited to be able to premier Chris Gall’s newest book, There’s Nothing to Do on Mars, at the AzLA conference in November 2007.  We received 50 books in advance of the February 1, 2008 release date to support Chris’ program at the conference.  50 lucky AzLA attendees were able to get this book, signed by the author/illustrator, before anyone else in the US! Thanks to Chris and his publisher, Little, Brown for making this possible. Posted by CoriRead More →